What does Anti-Christ mean?


Thou shall not worship any other gods.
Thou shall not make any graven image to bow down before.
Most other religions have graven images to bow before.
The anti-christ  will make a graven image of himself  and force everyone to bow before it.

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# 666 Profile
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"Profile of the Anti-Christ"

1. Through deception,he will portray himself as a peacemaker. (Read)Rev.6:2

2. He will come up with a plan for a 7 year treaty with Israel and other middle east countries.As the problems increase in the middle east,there will be an increased outcry from the world to have some kind of a peaceful solution. (Read)Daniel 9:26-27

3. He will Exalt himself above all gods. (Read)Daniel 11: 37 and Rev. 7:25

4. He will not desire women . (Read)Daniel 11:37 and Rom 1:21-32

5. He will, after signing a 7 year treaty,break the treaty himself after 3 1/2 years and set himself up in the temple in Jerusalem as god to be worshiped as god.(That is the abomination that maketh desolate) (Read) Matthew 24:15

6. He will cause everyone on the earth to recieve his mark. (666= combination of 18 computer bar code numbers ? (Read) Revelation 13:11-18 Let make a point>> "most carbon dating computers are programmed with Darwin's evolutionary theory as the base for their dating data.

7. He will head up 10 nations (which looks like Europe) to bring all nations under his power. (Read Daniel 7:24

8. He will be empowered by satan(Lucifer) himself.

You may ask what can I do to keep this from happening? The answer !! Nothing!!

You may escape this terrible time on the Earth by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior

Now!!! Then Read ( Revelation 3:7-11 ) and 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 and Chapter 5: 2-11 )

What does 666 mean? 
It looks to  be an 18 digit computer number?
With computers getting smaller and smaller
It  seems that an implant  in the hand  or forehead  
would  be logical .  (Don't believe it's possible?  Check out this link for an example.   http://realneo.us/content/microchip-implants-ready-use-swine-flu-vaccine
Not an ink stamp as some have figured.
 What do you think?

Send comments or suggestions  mailto:buckeyroo@lycos.com
