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Freedoms Darkest Hour

Horrified, I watched the plane Crash into the tower    And mourned the loss of many lives, In freedoms darkest hour. What vile individual  Has ordered such a deed Satans henchmen must have planned, And satisfied his need.    

We must stand up for freedomThats been encroached upon, And fight the cowardly people Thats joined in Satans throng. Although the towers crumbled,Our freedom never fell, And still our flag Old Glory waves Above that smoldering hell. Though they may kill our body, The word of God does say,They cannot kill our spirit God Bless the U.S.A.      Author: 

                      Ronald K. Omer    9-17-2001



                                 With Jesus I Will Win

                           If I live to be a hundred and studied every day

The chance is slim that I could find

The true, and loving way

That God intended me to live

While I struggle through this life.

For deceit wells up around me and causes sin and strife.

 A barrier between God and me, I cannot penetrate

So only by His grace and love

Can I, His wrath, escape.

What I would, I do not do, Im blind and cannot see.

Though the light from God still shines,

My sin is enmity.

 I wonder if He hears my voice when my prayers are said,

Or do they go no higher,

Than the hair thats on my head.

I often ask this question, am I a Christian or a sinner?

I know that Jesus loves me

But, am I a looser, or a winner?

 I battle principalities, and powers I dont know

But I know that God can help me

The Holy Bible tells me so.

The Bible has the answers to what I need to know.

A very complete set of rules

That will tell me how to go.

 I must fight Satan every day with the help of Gods own Son.

With the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords

The battle will be won.

Though the fight be hard and long while in this world of sin

Eternal life will be worth it all

With Jesus, I will Win ! 

  Author :

  Ronald K. Omer   9-16-2001

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There are two ways of life that we may live

One is to get the other to give.

It matters a lot which way we choose

For one is gain the other is loose.


God gives us our breath  its freely given

And every good gift sent from heaven.

Should we not ask, Lord what can I give

To help others as you taught me to live?


We must love the Lord with all of our heart

And neer from his love ever depart.

He said, Love thy neighbor as thyself

But were quick to put this law on the shelf.


Where would we be had Jesus given up

And refused to drink that bitter cup?

With no salvation for you and I

And no resurrection after we die


Were spoiled in this life with presents and gifts

Which we expect to give us a lift.

We spend on ourselves until we die

But cant buy happiness thought we may try.


For true happiness is about giving

Of ourselves as long as were living.

Jesus Christ taught theres two ways to live

Is your life of get, or is it of give?


Ronald K. Omer  2-25-2002

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