Although Jesus said "But of that day and hour no man
knoweth", He also followed up the question asked him by saying that there would be many signs that would prelude his
comming. We won't know the day or the hour, but we will and are instructed to know what and when the signs are. He did not
say or imply that we couldn't know the year. If we are aware of the signs, we then can discern the times. Jesus
said "When you see the abomination of desolation (The one who will proclaim himself as god to be worshiped by the whole world)
standing in the temple, that will be the beginning of the second half of the tribulation (3 1/2 yrs.) or the great tribulation.
Matt.24:13 For more about prophecy --click picture above!
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What are some of the Signs of the Times?
If you study prophecy you will find there are many signs. I will endeavor to list some of them but
can't do it in one session,so you'll have to come back periodically to update.
If you want to know where the scripture reference is send me an email for the ones you are interested
Click on page 1 for these signs. Thank you for your interest ,comments and questions. I will try
to answer your emails promptly as possible.